"Perfectly Placed, Be Where Your Feet Are" is an inspiring collaboration featuring multiple authors who collectively explore the profound concept that every moment of our lives is intricately orchestrated by a higher power.

Through diverse perspectives and poignant stories, this book gracefully emphasizes the idea that we are perfectly placed in every triumph and challenge. Serving as a powerful reminder to embrace the present, the anthology guides us through the ups and downs with grace and purpose, encouraging us to be fully present where our feet are planted.

 Proofreader, Oxygen Publishing

Author and Leader

"Perfectly Placed" unfolds as a profound and uplifting collective exploration into the divine orchestration of our lives, masterfully co-authored by insightful and spiritually inspiring writers. In this captivating anthology, the authors delve into the idea that every twist and turn in our journey is intricately woven into a greater plan by a higher power.

With eloquence and grace, they invite readers to embrace the notion that God has purposefully situated them in each moment, whether it be a triumphant peak or a challenging valley. Through poignant anecdotes and thoughtful reflections, "Perfectly Placed" encourages a shift in perspective, urging us to recognize the beauty and significance in every experience.

This literary gem serves as a gentle reminder that even in the midst of life's uncertainties, we are precisely where we are meant to be, perfectly placed in the hands of divine guidance. It stands as a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit, collectively expressing the unwavering love of a higher force that guides our paths with grace and purpose.

Wilson, residing in South Florida and already a successful author of two bestselling books, invited 13 women to co-author Volume One. Their collective journey illuminated the timeless truth that hope isn't something we chase; rather, it finds us. This profound realization deepened their trust in a higher power's guiding hand, underscoring the book's overarching message of faith and resilience. 

This book's celebration of vulnerability distinguishes it from the beginning—recognizing that sharing stories brings healing and empowering connections. Vulnerability, to be sure, requires courage, especially in a collection that invites vulnerability as a pre-requisite before penning a single word. Bravo to all 13 co-authors for enlightening our inner selves from the first word through tales of overcoming external validation, divorce, injury, and poignant emotional connections. Their collective narrative gracefully navigates toward a rising transformative embrace of self-discovery and self-love, nurtured by unwavering faith, anchored in the hands of God.

As the authors share their raw experiences, readers begin a liberating journey toward healing. The narrative offers solace and guidance, encouraging readers to embrace self-acceptance and commit to the growth path of a divine plan. You won’t feel alone—you cannot be alone; how can you be alone? The book’s co-authors' honesty and vulnerability permeate every page, creating a safe space for empathy and understanding. From the depths of pain emerges a testament to the empowering role of faith, revealing hope and resilience.

Perfectly Placed; Be Where Your Feet Are: Volume One isn't your typical read—it's an invitation to a soul-stirring journey. As you immerse yourself, you'll discover inspiration in unexpected ways. While inspiration may have lingered in the background, this book brings it to the forefront, offering comfort and reassurance where you stand. 

Wow. Just wow!
Have you ever wondered if you are chasing hope, or is hope chasing you?

Within the pages of Perfectly Placed; Be Where Your Feet Are: Volume One, by International bestselling author Melanie Wilson, faith intertwines with women's shared experiences in their pursuit of hope and purpose,
 grounded in trust in a higher power's guiding hand. 

A Note from the Editor:



"We all have a story to tell. It is when we find our bold and courageous voice, tap into our radical courage, and share our stories that they then become testimonies to glorify God. This co-author project was a beautiful collaboration of women willing to put their stories in writing, and as a result, the curated collection that is now called Perfectly Placed, will change the lives of many."

"You have marshaled together some tragic stories written by inspiring women who have overcome their adversities; a testament to the commitment of your faith journey and serving your fellow travelers."